Videos, performances, installations

and immersive experiences
to explore the inner dimensions
of our bodies and psyches.


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Kia Kali combines media, the sensed body and ceremonial elements to facilitate experiences of self-exploration. With videos, performances and installations, she investigates altered states of consciousness and the felt senses. The Berlin-based artist was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, studied arts internationally, holds a B.A. from Dickinson College (USA) and an M.F.A. from the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (Germany).

Through a synergy of figures, colors, language and ideas, Kia experiments with new forms of interacting with our sensory awareness and psyche. Her interactive pieces invite visitors to come in closer contact with themselves and experience their own bodies, thoughts, dreams and desires. 

I combine audiovisual media, the sensed body and ceremonial elements to create experiences of self-exploration. My works range from video series and performance pieces to immersive installations where I interact with visitors. I invite participants to slow down and tune into their present experience, immersing in worlds that are surreal, mystical and perhaps magical.


My videos interweave my moving body with textures of nature and symbolic objects. I use visual effects to create a dreamlike language and evoke a sensory journey. I often incorporate interactive elements, such as guiding words in videos, written instructions in installations, or dialogue during live performances. Through a synergy of figures, colors, language and ideas, I aspire to give form to the poetic essence of our inner dimensions.


My work seeks to challenge traditional hierarchies of perception and experiment with new forms of connecting and interacting with our sensory awareness and psyche. I invite people to participate, come in closer contact with themselves and experience their own bodies, thoughts, dreams and desires.

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