
Kia Kali combines media, the sensed body and ceremonial elements to facilitate experiences of self-exploration. With videos, performances and installations, she investigates altered states of consciousness and the felt senses. The Berlin-based artist was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, studied arts internationally, holds a B.A. from Dickinson College (USA) and an M.F.A. from the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (Germany).
Through a synergy of figures, colors, language and ideas, Kia experiments with new forms of interacting with our sensory awareness and psyche. Her interactive pieces invite visitors to come in closer contact with themselves and experience their own bodies, thoughts, dreams and desires.

Artist Statement

I combine audiovisual media, the sensed body and ceremonial elements to create experiences of self-exploration. My works range from video series and performance pieces to immersive installations where I interact with visitors. I invite participants to slow down and tune into their present experience, immersing in worlds that are surreal, mystical and perhaps magical.

My videos interweave my moving body with textures of nature and symbolic objects. I use visual effects to create a dreamlike language and evoke a sensory journey. I often incorporate interactive elements, such as guiding words in videos, written instructions in installations, or dialogue during live performances. Through a synergy of figures, colors, language and ideas, I aspire to give form to the poetic essence of our inner dimensions.

My work seeks to challenge traditional hierarchies of perception and experiment with new forms of connecting and interacting with our sensory awareness and psyche. I invite people to participate, come in closer contact with themselves and experience their own bodies, thoughts, dreams and desires.




Master of Fine Arts (MFA) – Film & Video Art – University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (HFBK), Germany


Bachelor of Arts (BA) – Theater, Dance, Film – Dickinson College, USA


Media Arts (study program) – Bremen Universität, Germany


Performance Arts (study program) – University of Hyderabad, India





POLY:LUX  (Installation) – Curated by Helene Bosecker, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin


Liminal  (Video Installation) – Pleiades Art Night – Praise Studio, Berlin Neukölln

Retune  – Austral International Performance Art Festival – Centro Cultural Paco Urondo, Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Soma: Chest of Mirrors & Immersion II (Video Installation&Perf.) – Sunü Arts, Science and Mindfulness at Schloss Schönow

Djinn (Interactive Installation) – Monopol Berlin (during Berlin Art Week)



Limbo (Direction, Dramaturgy, Performance & Installations) – Monopol, Berlin


Temple of Transmutation (Immersive Installation with Performance) – Kiez Burn Arts and Culture – Alt Telin, Germany

Silencio (Video & AR Installations) – SOLO Exhibition – ORi Galerie, Berlin

Alive (Solo Show: AR Video Installations) – Kiez Con – Monopol, Berlin

Holy Fluff  (Video Installations) – Supermarket Independent Art Fair – Stockholm, Sweden

Autopilot  (Video Installations and Performance) – Curated by Kim Dotty Hachmann – Inselgalerie – Berlin 



Aloneness (Solo Show: Immersive Installations) – Flutgraben e.V., Berlin

The Coven (Immersive Video Installation) – Kiez Burn Arts and Culture – Alt Telin, DE


Dream Temple  (Immersive Installation) – Dream World Order, P. Berg, Berlin


The Waiting Room  (Immersive Installation) – Dream World via Transiträume, Berlin

Weaving  (Installation) – Solo Exhibit: Body IQ Festival –  Somatische Akademie Berlin

Bath in Your Soma  (Video Installations) – Absolventenaustellung, HFBK Hamburg


InFlow  (Video installation) – Dickinson Media Center, Carlisle, USA

Microcosm (Video Installation) – Meditation Center, Carlisle, PA, USA

Incite Me  (Installation) – Exhibition in Public Space, Carlisle, PA, USA


Bring to Life  (Video) – Althouse, Dickinson College, Carlisle, USA



Primordial – Feel Festival, Germany

Dream Spa (Performance, Direction) – with Dream World Collective – Fourplay and Paradise Garage Parties

Primordial – Kiez Burn Arts and Culture, Germany

Nexus (Performance, Direction) – with Dream World Collective – Melt Festival, Germany

Fire Blessing (including installation with Alex Kaos for Karmanoia) – Mahalla Berlin

Fire Blessing – Monopol Open Studios

Fire Blessing – with Entourage – Fusion Festival


Spaces for Silence – Solo Exhibit: ORi Galerie, Berlin

Angel of Death (Performance and Installation in Limbo) – with Dream World – Monopol, Berlin, Germany

Chest of Mirrors  – Monopol Berlin

Chest of Mirrors  – Inselgalerie Berlin

Chest of Mirrors  – InfoZentrale for 48h NK, BerlinFire Blessing – Red Bull Event

Gold  – diverse events, e.g.: Birgit und Bier, Renate, Badeschiff, Paradise Garage, Fourplay and Private Events Berlin

The Portal  – with Dream World Collective at End of Nations Festival – Monopol, Berlin

Augurium (inc. videos & Installation)– with Dream World Collective  – CTM / Transmediale Festival – Silent Green, Berlin



Blue  (Interactive Performance) – MOBCoin Arts and Culture – Berlin


Luma  – with Dream World Collective for Dream World Order, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin

Dreaming of Flight  –  Metamorphosize, Online Arts Event


Dream Inductions at The Waiting Room  – with Dream World Collective via Transiträume, Ostkreuz, Berlin


Breathing  (Video and Performance) – Solo – Curated by Ingo Reuleke – SINCE_Somatics in Creation, SAB Berlin


Return (Theater Direction) – Cubiculo Theater, Carlisle, PA, USA


Sailor’s Dreams (Performance) – Osvaldo Peluffo, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Silence is Sexy (Performance, Dramaturgy) – Helena Nesis Studio, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Prizes, Grants and Scholarships


Project Art Up (POLY:LUX) – LoK Berlin – Bezirk Friedrichshain – Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa


Project Grant (Focus, Retune) – Neustart Kultur / Stiftung Kunstfonds


Project Grant (Temple of Transmutation) – Kiez Burn, Arts and Culture Event

Project Grant (Alive) – Kiez Burn, Arts and Culture Event


Project Grant (Aloneness) – Dezentrale Kulturarbeit, Bezirk Treptow Köpenick

Project Art Up (Autopilot) – LoK Berlin – Bezirk Friedrichshain, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa

Project Grant (The Coven) – Kiez Burn, Arts and Culture Event


Project Grant (Bath in Your Soma) – HFBK Hamburg


Global Prize Winner – Art Contest – Center for Global Study and Engagement, DC

John Patton Memorial Prize – Dickinson College


GAIN Scholarship – CIEE

Junior Class Sophister Prize – Dickinson College


Delaplaine McDaniel Prize – Dickinson College


Global Campus Scholarship – Dickinson College



Kia Kali ist eine in Buenos Aires geborene und in Berlin lebende Video-, Installations- und Performancekünstlerin. Sie studierte Kunst in Argentinien, den USA, Indien und Deutschland, machte ihren Abschluss am Dickinson College (USA) und erhielt ihren MFA an der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg. Seit 2015 lebt und arbeitet sie in Berlin.

Artist Statement

Ich konzipiere Räume, um Selbstwahrnehmung zu erforschen. Mein Thema ist der Zustand, der entstehen kann, wenn Entschleunigung unsere Sinne schärft und wir uns auf die eigene Wahrnehmung einlassen.

In meiner Kunst suche ich nach meditativen Zuständen, die das Licht auf sensorische und mentale Landschaften, Reflexionen und Sehnsüchte richten und dadurch zu neuen Erfahrungen führen – sowohl physisch als auch geistig.

Meine Arbeit reicht von Videos bis zu immersiven Installationen, in denen ich performe und mit den Besucher*innen interagiere. Meine Werke laden Menschen ein, zu sich selbst zu kommen und ihren eigenen Körper, ihre Gedanken, Träume und Wünsche zu erleben.



Kia Kali es una artista de vídeo, performance y espacios inmersivos nacida en Buenos Aires y establecida en Berlín, Alemania. Estudió arte en Argentina, Estados Unidos, India y Alemania, recibió su licenciatura en Dickinson College en Pensilvania (Estados Unidos) y tiene un máster en Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Bellas Artes de Hamburgo (Alemania). Sus obras han recibido apoyo público y se han expuesto en galerías y espacios artísticos de Alemania y el extranjero.

Artist Statement

Combino medios audiovisuales, percepción corporal y elementos ceremoniales para facilitar experiencias de autoexploración. Mi obra abarca series de video, performances e instalaciones inmersivas, en las cuales interactúo con los visitantes. Me centro en invitar a los participantes a hacer una pausa y adentrarse en una experiencia de sus sentidos, sumergiéndose en mundos poéticos, místicos y quizá mágicos.

En mis vídeos entrelazo mi cuerpo en movimiento con texturas de la naturaleza y objetos simbólicos. Utilizo efectos visuales para crear un lenguaje onírico y evocar un viaje sensorial. A menudo incorporo elementos interactivos, como palabras-guía en los vídeos, instrucciones escritas en las instalaciones o diálogos durante las performances en vivo. Mediante una sinergia de figuras, colores, palabras e ideas, aspiro a dar forma a la esencia poética de nuestras dimensiones interiores.

Mis obras buscan desafiar las jerarquías tradicionales de percepción y experimentar con nuevas formas de conectar e interactuar con nuestra conciencia sensorial y nuestra psiquis. Invito a las personas a participar, a conectarse consigo mismas y a experimentar sus propios cuerpos, pensamientos, sueños y deseos.

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